In May 2022 Alice Hoyle and Emma Bolt founded RepreSENt aiming to campaign for additional specialist provision in the Bath and North East Somerset area and adjoining counties. Within a month we had over 100 parents in a whatsapp group who were all parents of children with additional needs, desperate for better SEND provision locally.
In the time since RepreSENt was founded we have achieved the following:
Established a website and brand.
Built a membership of 150+ parents that offers daily support and signposting.
Surveyed local parents and families as to what the local needs are.
Met with Local Authority Partners to establish relationships and share our aims.
Work closely with the Banes Parent Carer Forum steering group (Alice and Emma are also parent reps)
Offered daily support via an active whatsapp group.
Written to every local independent school and many of the local mainstream schools about their SEND provision.
Met with several independent specialist education providers.
Decided to partner with The Levels School to bring a sister school to bath Avonhurst School as we felt their provision and ethos matched our aims and values.
Negotiated on a premises (ultimately sadly unsucessfully)
What next?
Continue to scope out premises and follow promising leads.
Continue to build relationships and develop partnerships across the local authority.
Continue to support the parents in our whatsapp group.
Continue to advocate for improved send provision in all local schools.
Build relationships with local schools about a new school offer to work in partnership
Offer SEND mentoring coaching and advocacy where appropriate.